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Ann Le Bas Studied at the City and Guilds of London Art School under Henry Wilkinson R.E. A.R.C.A. and A.R. Middleton Todd, R.A. R.W.S. RE N.E.A.C. and Rodney Burn RA N.E.A.C.
2002 – Featured Artist in the Members’ Annual Exhibition of the Royal Society of Printmakers (RE)
1995 – 1999 – Master of the Somerset Guild of Craftsmen
1985 – 1993 – Committee Member of the New English Art Club
1980 – 1992 – Hon. Curator of the Royal Society of Painter-Etchers and Engravers
1972 – Elected Member of the New English Art Club
1972 – 1995 – Elected to the Council of the Royal Society of Painter-Etchers and Engravers
1969 – Elected a Member of the Artworkers Guild
1969 – Elected a fellow of the Royal Society of Painter-Etchers and Engravers
1962 – Elected a Member of the Somerset Guild of Craftsmen
1960 – Elected an Associate Member of the Royal Society of Painter-Etchers and Engravers
Ann Le Bas always worked free-lance and has undertook various commissions which include the National Trust Foundation for Art, the Bishop of Bath and Wells, Royal Academy Graphics etc. A collection of her prints is included in the permanent collection of the Ashmolean Museum (Dept. of Western Art) and she is represented in the Fitzwilliam Museum. Prints have also been bought by Exeter City museum, Southampton City Centre, the Royal Academy Archives, the National Trust and overseas including the USA and Australia.