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“Arthropoda (arthro = joint: pods = foot). is a major division of the animal kingdom. An arthropod is an invertebrate animal with an
external skeleton, segmented body and jointed appendages. The phylum arthropoda includes crustacea, arachnids, millipedes, centipedes and insects.
My collection of photographs were made between April and October 2014, and all the creatures were found in the garden at Cothay Manor near Wellington in Somerset, or in, or near my garden on the edge of Exmoor. I hope in this collection to open the eyes of the viewer to the beauty and wonder of these tiny creatures that exist all around us if we only stop to look. My hunting forays were as exciting as going on safari and this was only increased once I took my finds back to my studio and observed them through my lens.”
Miranda Johnston originally worked as an interior designer, before deciding to pursue her interest in art and study at Camberwell College of Art. Miranda is both a photographer and a painter, creating work inspired by her observations of nature and fleeting interactions with wildlife. In her ‘Athropoda’ series of photographs, Miranda takes insects out of their natural context, isolating them in abstract spaces to intensify their fascination and beauty. Her compelling photographs give a rare up close look at the world of the arthropod, a world which despite being so physically close to us is often overlooked.

C3057 Red Admiral Butterfly No.4 – Vanessa atalanta 7/10

C3015 Weevil – Cionus Hortulanus

C3058 Red Admiral Butterfly No.3 – Vanessa atalanta 7/10

C3060 Red Admiral Butterfly No.1 – Vanessa atalanta 2/10

C3054 Jewel Wasp – Chrysis Angustula 7/10

C3055 Stone Clinger: Autumn Dun Fly Nymph – Ecdyonurus dispar 3/10

C3046 Ruby-Tailed Wasp – Chrysis ignita 2/10

C3056 Stripe-Winged Grasshopper – Stenobothrus lineatus 2/10

C3031 Summer Mayfly No.1 – Siphonurus alternatus 4/10

C3048 Dock Beetle – Gastrophysa viridula

C3047 Meadow Brown Butterfly 3/10

C3042 Woodland Grasshopper – Omecestus rufipes 2/10

C3039 Cream-Spot Ladybird – Calvia 14-guttata 4/10

C3043 Large Red Damselfly – Pyrrhosoma nyphula 8/10