SCHOOL PRINTS- Original lithographs from the 1940s
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Towards the end of the Second World War Brenda Rawnsley and her husband Derek had the idea of bringing contemporary art to young children who would otherwise not have had the opportunity to see ‘good’ work. Within a few years Brenda had set up School Prints Ltd to sell original lithographs to schools and had commissioned several of the most important living artists for her scheme.
Brenda Rawnsley sought the advice and assistance of the art historian Herbert Read and between them they chose the artists. The printing was undertaken by the Baynard Press from stones or zinc plates drawn by the artists, who were asked to use no more than six colours. The prints, being original lithographs, were often the first real art seen by young people of that period and are typical of their time.
A cache of a number of these original lithographs was discovered, in mint condition, a full sixty years after they were editioned.

X1658 Arizona Cowboys by Buk Ulreich

X1656 Minnesota by Adolf Dehn